Monday, 17 October 2011

Out, About & Things To Do: October Half Term & Halloween

Need something to do this Half Term and Halloween? Here are a few ideas for you.

The Galleries of Justice have a jammed packed Halloween planned including ghost tours, The Trail of the Wicked Witch of Sherwood and Children’s Story Telling.
Where:  The Lace Market, Nottingham,NG1 1HN
When: October 22, 2011 10:30 am to October 30, 2011 4:00 pm
How Much: Price varies, some events are free. Check the site for full details

What: Half Term Events in Nottinghamshire
Events for half-term include the Robin Hood Pageant, GameCity, Southwell Bramley Apple Festival
Where: Nottinghamshire
When:  22nd to 30th October
How Much: Price varies, some events are free. Check the site for full details

9 days of toys, models and rides. The whole family can get stuck in, with pedal train driving for kids, and mini rail rides for grown-ups who want to feel like kids again. Plus model layouts, hands-on toys of all shapes and sizes, and much more.
The biggest names in toy and model trains will be here with hands-on workshops and play sessions. Children can make a model of their own to take home, and craft a seasonal Hallowe'en diorama.
Where: National Railway Museum in York
When: 22 Oct 2011 - 30 Oct 2011, 09:30 - 18:00
How Much: Admission FREE. A charge applies for some activities

What: Willows Pumpkin Festival
Having grown thousands of pumpkins in Willows Pumpkins Patch, there's a free pumpkin for every child admission during Willows Pumpkin Festival.
You can take your pumpkin home or create a work of pumpkin art in Willows carving marquee, with a daily prize for the best carved pumpkin. And keeping with the pumpkin theme you can take part in Willows Pumpkin Olympics with a pumpkin obstacle race, roll a pumpkin or pumpkin relay races. 
Where: Coursers Road, London Colney, St Albans Hertfordshire AL4 0PF
When: 22nd to 30th October 2011. 10am to 5.30pm
How Much: Adults £12.95 Children £13.95 Under 2s Free

What: Half-term events in Brighton
Brighton have a half-term and Halloween events planned including: B Starz Academy Half Term Boot Camp, The Brighton & Hove Eco Family Fun Day and Beach of the Dead.
Where: Various locations in Brighton
When: 22nd to 29th October
How Much: Various prices. Some events are free

When you go by train you can get 2 for 1 in a number of great attractions.  You simply fill in a voucher and then show that voucher with your rail ticket. 

• The Falstaff Experience, Stratford upon Avon, 2 for 1  
• Hell Fire Caves and Café, West Wycombe, 2 for 1 
• London Dungeon, 2 for 1   
• The Tower of London, 2 for 1  
• London Bridge Experience and London Tombs, 2 for 1 

Where:  Various Locations
When:  Various
How Much:  Various

What: Spooky spectacular’ Halloween event
Dancing from Concordia Leisure Centre dance troupe  ‘Funky Divas’ (they are aged between 5-9yrs) storytelling from Seven Stories ( , Halloween craft making, and a ghost hunt with real life ghost busters – search for the hidden mischievous ghosts, and when they jump out, zap them with the special ghost guns. The event is rounded off with trick or treat bags and apple dunking in a caldron.
Where: Manor Walks shopping centre in Cramlington, Northumberland
When: Sunday 30th October from 11am-4pm
How Much:  Free

What: Treasure Trails
They have written over 800 exciting walking and cycling treasure hunts in towns and villages all over the UK and are determined to get more families outside this autumn exploring in the fresh air and having fun.
The trails are Treasure Hunt, Murder Mystery and Spy Mission themed walks and take you to the most beautiful and interesting places along an easy to follow route. Answers to the clues are located on existing monuments and buildings and as the distances are only around 2 miles long, even the little ones can get involved
Where:  All over the UK. Check to see if there is a local one for you
When:  Any time
How Much:  £5.99 you can download or have it sent in the post. Personalised trails are £12.99

What: The Bloomsbury Festival
A weekend of over 150 free family friendly events, including live music, theatre, dance, walks, talks and food, all of which will be free to attend. Suitable for all the family, festival highlights include a magical lantern procession through Russell Square, street parties, storytelling events, football tournaments and much more.
Where:  Various locations, Bloomsbury
When:  Fri 21 October- Sun 23 October 2011
How Much:  Free

What: Doctor Who Experience Halloween activities
Where: Doctor Who Experience, Olympia Two (2nd floor), Hammersmith Road,London,W14 8UX
When: 28th, 29th and 30th October
How Much: Adult £19.80 Children (5-16yrs) £15.30 Under 5’s Free Family Ticket £14.30

What: Champloo Dance Company’s performance of White Caps
Aged at 5 and up White Caps incorporates break dance and film and follows two men on a journey to the white caps of a mountain.
Where: Sadler’s Wells’ Lilian Baylis Studio
When:  21 – 23 October
How Much: £7 - £12

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