I’m a touchy feely person, I love to hug, cuddle and hold. I hug my friends, family and cushions when no one else is around!
BG also loves to hug and touch which is so lovely. Sometimes she climbs up on me grabs my face and gives me a kiss and then a huge hug and I just melt.
Touch is much more than something that brings us pleasure and comfort – it’s an essential building block of human life. Here are just a few of the ways it plays a role at different times in your family’s life:
Baby Brain Development
When babies are born, their brains aren’t yet fully formed. Cognitive, brain and socio-emotional development are all dependent on consistent touch from their parents – without it, vital parts of the brain wouldn’t grow properly. Touch is so crucial; it’s the most highly developed sense at birth.
Childhood Stress Management
In the early years of life, children lack the ability to soothe themselves when stressed. Being rocked, stroked and cuddled by their parents is the key – it helps them feel safe and contained.
Bonding in a Relationship
Sex aside, regular physical contact is key to forging intimacy and trust. Several studies have found that women who are frequently touched by their partners in a non-sexual way – for example, hugging – produce higher levels of oxytocin, a feel good hormone associated with feelings of intimacy.
In Sickness
In old age, touch may help improve health and recovery from illness. According to research, elderly patients who are touched by nursing staff – even imperceptibly, with a light tap on the shoulder – are more likely to eat well. And a light touch on the hand can reduce heart rate and blood pressure in patients prior to surgery.
NIVEA is encouraging us to be closer than ever with their Million Moments of Closeness campaign. They want to see pictures of you being close with family and friends and there are even prizes!
All you need to do is pop over to their Facebook Page facebook.com/niveauk and upload your picture of closeness, or look out for their road shows, throughout the UK, where you can jump into a photo booth and have your picture instantly uploaded.
You can also have your say on the closeness debate.
Are you a touchy, feely person? Do you feel closer when you hug?
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